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Putri Oktaviana Priandani
Sulistyani Pancaningtyas
Mohammad Ubaidillah


Cocoa primary somatic embryogenesis is a propagation technique that produces primary somatic embryos from cocoa flower parts. The percentage of primary somatic embryo formation in cocoa tends to be low due to the significant secretion of phenolic components in flower explants thereby reducing the conversion rate of explants into embryos. This is indicated by browning that occurs in explants or culture media. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimization of primary somatic embryogenesis induction of cocoa through the administration of several types of phenolic compound suppressor materials. Staminodia explants were grown on DKW media with factorial treatment: the addition of various phenolic compounds suppressing materials (control; 300 mg L-1 PVP; 15 mg L-1 silver nitrate; 12 mg L-1 melatonin; 300 mg L-1 ascorbic acid) and cultivar type (MCC -02 and ICCRI-09). The results showed that the treatment of each material gave a different response in suppressing phenolic compounds in each cultivar. Melatonin treatment gave the lowest percentage of browning intensity so it also affected the best results on morphology, callus size, wet weight, and parameters of the percentage of live explants.

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How to Cite
Priandani, P. O. ., Pancaningtyas, S., & Ubaidillah, M. (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF PRIMARY SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS INDUCTION OF COCOA (Theobroma cacao L.) THROUGH THE ADDITION OF PHENOLIC COMPOUND SUPPRESSANT MATERIALS. Jurnal Bioteknologi &Amp; Biosains Indonesia (JBBI), 10(1), 22–34. https://doi.org/10.29122/jbbi.v10i1.5612
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