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M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga
Rini Mariana Sibarani
Ardila Yananto
Samba Wirahma
Budi Harsoyo



Penerapan Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (TMC) di Indonesia terus mengalami perkembangan. Tidak hanya untuk menambah curah hujan, belakangan TMC kerap dijadikan solusi yang menjanjikan untuk mengurangi curah hujan si suatu daerah. Melalui konsep Metode Kompetisi dan Metode Jumping Process, curah hujan di suatu daerah dapat dikurangi intensitasnya. Penerapan TMC untuk mengurangi curah hujan pernah diterapkan di area proyek pembangunan jalan tol-Balikpapan-Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. Melalui evaluasi terhadap curah hujan secara spasial maupun temporal, dapat diketahui indikasi pengurangan curah hujan di wilayah tersebut. Secara spasial, aktivitas TMC mampu meredistribusi hujan di daerah upwind sehingga area pembangunan tol mendapatkan curah hujan yang lebih kecil. Menggunakan pendekatan statistik dengan membandingkan curah hujan prediksi dan curah hujan aktual, didapatkan estimasi tingkat pengurangan curah hujan selama kegiatan TMC berlangsung di kisaran nilai 40%.



The application of Weather Modification Technology (WMT) in Indonesia continues to develop. Not only to increase rainfall, but WMT is often used as a promising solution to reduce rainfall in an area. Through the concept of the Competition Method and the Jumping Process Method, the intensity of rainfall in an area can be reduced. The application of WMT to reduce rainfall has been applied in the project area of the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road construction, East Kalimantan. Through the evaluation of rainfall spatially and temporally, it can be seen as an indication of a reduction in rainfall in the region. Spatially, WMT activity can redistribute rainfall in the upwind area so that the toll road construction area gets smaller rainfall. Using a statistical approach by comparing predicted rainfall and actual rainfall, an estimated level of rainfall reduction during the TMC activity takes place in the range of 40%.

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