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Indonesia has one of the largest Coal Bed Methane (CBM) reserves in the world with a potential 453 trillion cubic feet (“Tcfâ€), more than double the country’s natural gas
reserves. The government, therefore, is planning to exploite its huge potential reserves and targetting to produce 1 billion standard cubic fee per day, or about 0.18 million barrel
of oil equivalent, by 2025. Several new regulations have been passed, but non is related to protection to the environment as an impact of the development of CBM. If it is not well regulated and managed properly, the environmental impact will be enormous. This paper presents assessment results on the environmental and social impacts which likely
will be faced by Indonesia from improper development of CBM in Indonesia. Certainly, there will be very serious and unaviodable negative impacts to the environment without
careful plan and proper environmental regulation put in place prior to the development of CBM. The government will have to develop a specific regulation regarding CBM
development in the near future before everything is too late.
reserves. The government, therefore, is planning to exploite its huge potential reserves and targetting to produce 1 billion standard cubic fee per day, or about 0.18 million barrel
of oil equivalent, by 2025. Several new regulations have been passed, but non is related to protection to the environment as an impact of the development of CBM. If it is not well regulated and managed properly, the environmental impact will be enormous. This paper presents assessment results on the environmental and social impacts which likely
will be faced by Indonesia from improper development of CBM in Indonesia. Certainly, there will be very serious and unaviodable negative impacts to the environment without
careful plan and proper environmental regulation put in place prior to the development of CBM. The government will have to develop a specific regulation regarding CBM
development in the near future before everything is too late.
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