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Aliran permukaan/limpasan (run off) merupakan salah satu variabel hidrologi yang sangat penting di dalam menunjang kegiatan pengembangan sumber daya air. Metode prediksi yang handal untuk menghitung jumlah dan laju limpasan yang berasal dari permukaan tanah dan bergerak menuju sungai di suatu DAS yang tidak dilengkapi alat ukur (ungaged watershed) adalah suatu pekerjaan yang sangat sulit dan memerlukan
waktu yang banyak. Penelitian ini dilakukan di DAS Ciliwung Hulu, yang merupakan daerah penting dalam kotribusi banjir di Jakarta. Untuk mengetahaui run off  yang terjadi, digunakan data curah hujan dan debit Tahun 2007-2009. Sebagai model, untuk mengetahui run off menggunakan peta penggunaan lahan, peta jenis tanah, dan topografi. Peta-peta tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan Arcview, sehingga didapatkan
nilai CN. Berdasarkan analisis perhitungan, besarnya debit mendekati 50% dari tebal hujan. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan bahwa kondisi DAS Ciliwung Hulu sudah tidak mampu lagi menyerap curah hujan dengan baik. Korelasi antara hasil prediksi run off model yang menggunakan CN dengan perhitungan run off observasi cukup baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Curve Number cukup dapat mepresentaskan hubungan
curah hujan dengan aliran permukaan (run off).
kata kunci : Run off observasi, run off model, curve number
Run off (surface flow) is one of the most important hydrological variable in supporting the activities of water resources development. A reliable prediction method to calculate the amount and rate of runoff from the land surface caused by the rain that falls in a watershed that is not equipped with measuring devices (un gauge watershed) is a very
difficult job and requires a lot of time. The research was conducted in the watershed Ciliwung Hulu, which is an important area in relation to the incidence of flooding in Jakarta. Curve Number (CN) method can be used to predict the amount of runoff from a watershed. This model required input of rainfall; land cover maps; soil type maps,
and topography. The maps are processed using Arc View software, so we get the value of CN. In this study, we used of rainfall and discharge data 2007-2009. Based on the analysis of calculation, known that amount of surface flow approaching 50% of rainfall depth. This condition indicates that the Ciliwung Hulu watershed conditions were not able
and proper to absorb of rainfall. The correlation between the results of run-off prediction models using CN with run-off observation was quite good. This indicated that the Curve Number method could be able to represent the relationship of rainfall with surface flow (run off) and also to predict runoff
key words: Run off observation, run-off model, curve numberArticle Details
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