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Most of the land in East Kalimantan is ultisol soil types with low soil fertility. In a large-scale
land utisol used for oil palm, rubber and industrial plantations, but on a scale farmers
because of economic constraints has led to the ground ultisol terkelolannya not well.
In general, land in coal mining utisol in Sangatta, East Kalimantan has a low soil fertility
levels in various limiting factors, such as: poor content of organic material, so as to
improve soil fertility with fertilizer needed organic fertilizer derived from compost or
manure. Cation exchange capacity values are quite high up (10,4-17,36 me/100 g), so
the land can only be used for the development of cash crops or plantation crops. Most
of the land in Sangatta acidic, with high Al saturation, to reduce the acidity of the soil
can be done by or with the accumulation Calcification phospat (element P) and KCl.
land utisol used for oil palm, rubber and industrial plantations, but on a scale farmers
because of economic constraints has led to the ground ultisol terkelolannya not well.
In general, land in coal mining utisol in Sangatta, East Kalimantan has a low soil fertility
levels in various limiting factors, such as: poor content of organic material, so as to
improve soil fertility with fertilizer needed organic fertilizer derived from compost or
manure. Cation exchange capacity values are quite high up (10,4-17,36 me/100 g), so
the land can only be used for the development of cash crops or plantation crops. Most
of the land in Sangatta acidic, with high Al saturation, to reduce the acidity of the soil
can be done by or with the accumulation Calcification phospat (element P) and KCl.
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