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Trismilah Trismilah
Deden Rosid Waltam


Waste Agriculture of paddy like hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also
waste plantation of coconut root and cangkang of sawit pregnant [of] lignoselulosa
(cellulose, lignine and hemiselulosa).
In order to searching alternative materials for the production of xylanase hence
done by research of xylanase production of agriculture waste and plantation
waste like the above. Xylanase produced from Bacillus stearothermopillus
DSM 22, using hay, bran, chaff and frond of banana and also coconut root and
cangkang of sawit as source of carbon while as source of nitrogen and nutrisi by
molasses and urea. Fermentation done in the erlenmeyer use incubator shaker
with condition of temperature 550C, pH early 8, and agitation 250 rpm. From
result of research obtained activity of xylanase highest 0.523 Unit / ml.menit and
0.429 Unit / ml.menit at to 30 hours with bran media of oven ( DO) and natural
hay ( JA) respectively with natural bran medium (DA) activity of xylanase highest
0.514 Unit / ml.menit at 24 hours fermentation. Fermentation using fermentor with
natural hay and condition of temperature 550C, pH 8, and agitation 250 rpm result
activity of xylanase highest 2.47 Unit / ml.menit at to 32 hours.

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Author Biographies

Trismilah Trismilah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Peneliti di Bidang Teknologi Biokatalis, Pusat Teknologi Bioindustri

Deden Rosid Waltam, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

Peneliti di Bidang Teknologi Biokatalis, Pusat Teknologi Bioindustri