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Buds, planlets and bulblets formation from excised bulbscales was the preferred
method for vegetative propagation of Lilium sp (Liliaceae). The ex vitro techniques
with Gibberellic acid (GA3) pretreatment was induced buds formation on scales
cutting which planted on sterilized sand media. Buds rised from basal scales 7
days after planted. However scales untreated GA3 obtained in 35-42 after planted.
In vitro methods to promote buds initiated from bulbscales explants, was induced
on media MS (Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with GA3 1 mg/l. Media for
induced buds formation, MS contained Benzyl adenine (BA) 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l
increased multiple shoots formation significantly compared cultured on media
without BA. Roots growth improved on media contained NAA, but the highest
planlets achieved on cultured MS media without BA. Bulblets formation obtained
on media contained higher concentration of BA (5 mg/l).
method for vegetative propagation of Lilium sp (Liliaceae). The ex vitro techniques
with Gibberellic acid (GA3) pretreatment was induced buds formation on scales
cutting which planted on sterilized sand media. Buds rised from basal scales 7
days after planted. However scales untreated GA3 obtained in 35-42 after planted.
In vitro methods to promote buds initiated from bulbscales explants, was induced
on media MS (Murashige and Skoog) supplemented with GA3 1 mg/l. Media for
induced buds formation, MS contained Benzyl adenine (BA) 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l
increased multiple shoots formation significantly compared cultured on media
without BA. Roots growth improved on media contained NAA, but the highest
planlets achieved on cultured MS media without BA. Bulblets formation obtained
on media contained higher concentration of BA (5 mg/l).
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