Studi Karakterisasi Sampah Landfill dan Potensi Pemanfaatannya (Studi Kasus di TPA Sukawinatan dan Bantargebang)

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Sri Wahyono
Firman Laili Sahwan
Feddy Suryanto
Irhan Febriyanto
Rudi Nugroho
Muhammad Hanif



Landfills contain materials that can be recovered to be recycled or used as an energy source. The purpose of this study is to conduct waste characterization that has long been buried in landfill which includes analysis of composition, proximate analysis, and ultimate analysis. Then the waste is analyzed for its use as recycled material and energy sources. The study was conducted at the Sukawinatan landfill (Palembang) and the Bantargebang landfill (Bekasi). Sampling was carried out on garbage that had been buried in landfills by digging at depths of up to 5 m using an excavator. Furthermore, the samples are dried in the sun, sifted with rotary screen, and sorted manually. Some samples were taken by quartering to be analyzed in the laboratory. The results of the research and analysis showed that (i) landfill waste was dominated by compost material (31-47%) and plastic combustible material (32-43%) and nonplastic combustible material (32-43%); (ii) shaped material such as compost has the potential as a substitute for landfill cover and as soil conditioner; (iii) potentially recycled materials such as plastic waste need intensive sorting and cleaning; (iv) landfills excavated waste can be potentially used as an energy source or refuse-derifed fuels (RDF) with a heating value between 7.31-15.61 MJ / kg; (v) landfills excavated waste has the potential to be used as fuel for incinerators; (vi) utilization of landfill waste for the cement industry still faces several obstacles such as high chlorine content and water content.

Keywords: landfill, waste characterization, composition, proximate, ultimate


TPA mengandung material yang dapat diambil untuk didaur ulang atau dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan karakterisasi sampah yang telah lama tertimbun di TPA yang  meliputi analisis komposisi, analisis proksimat, dan analisis ultimat. Kemudian sampah tersebut dilakukan analisis pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan daur ulang dan sumber energi. Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Sukawinatan (Palembang) dan di TPA Bantargebang (Bekasi). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan terhadap sampah yang sudah tertimbun di landfill dengan cara menggali pada kedalaman hingga 5 m menggunakan excavator. Selanjutnya sampel dijemur, diayak dengan penyaring berputar (rotary screen), dan dipilah secara manual. Sebagian  sampel diambil dengan metode perempatan (quartering) untuk kemudian dianalisa di laboratorium. Hasil dari penelitian dan analisisnya memperlihatkan bahwa (i) sampah galian TPA didominasi oleh material kompos (31-47%) dan material combustible plastik (32-43%) serta combustible nonplastik (32-43%); (ii) material berbentuk seperti kompos memiliki potensi sebagai pengganti soil cover TPA dan sebagai material pembenah tanah (soil conditioner); (iii) material yang potensial didaur ulang seperti sampah plastik perlu pemilahan dan pembersihan yang intensif; (iv) sampah galian TPA potensial dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi atau RDF (refuse-derifed fuels) dengan nilai kalor antara 7,31-15,61 MJ/kg; (v) sampah galian TPA berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan bakar insinerator PLTSa; (vi) pemanfaatan sampah galian TPA untuk industri semen masih menghadapi beberapa kendala seperti tingginya kandungan klorin dan kadar air.

Kata kunci: landfill, karakterisasi sampah, komposisi, proksimat, ultimat

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Author Biographies

Sri Wahyono, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

Iam a researcher in Central of Environmental Technology, Indonesia Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technoloigy

Firman Laili Sahwan, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

Iam a researcher in Central of Environmental Technology, Indonesia Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technoloigy

Feddy Suryanto, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

Iam a researcher in Central of Environmental Technology, Indonesia Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technoloigy

Rudi Nugroho, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

Iam a researcher in Central of Environmental Technology, Indonesia Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technoloigy

Muhammad Hanif, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology

Iam a researcher in Central of Environmental Technology, Indonesia Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technoloigy


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