Pengaruh Typha angustifolia, Echinodorus paniculatus, dan Ludwigia adscendens terhadap Kinerja Horizontal Sub-surface Flow Constructed Wetland dalam Penghapusan Total coliform dan TSS The Effect of Typha angustifolia, Echinodorus paniculatus, and Ludwigia adscendens on The Performance of Horizontal Sub-surface Flow Constructed Wetland in Total coliforms and TSS Removal
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The performance of the Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) in several hospitals is reported low, where the wastewater often does not meet the quality standards so that it has the opportunity to pollute the environment. Horizontal Sub-surface Flow Constructed Wetland (HSSF-CW) is a green and sustainable technology; it can be used as an alternative technology for hospital wastewater treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of HSSF-CW on a pilot-scale in the removal of total coliform (TC) and total suspended solids (TSS), as well as to assess the effect of Ludwigia adscendens, Echinodorus paniculatus, and Typha angustifolia plants on the performance of HSSF-CW using experimental methods. The operational and design strategy adopted was setting the water depth at 0.30 m, maximum hydraulic loading rate of 3.375 m3/day, continuous wastewater recirculation, the use of river sand-gravel media measuring 5–8 mm, as well as setting tight spacing for T. Angustifolia was 53 clumps per m2, L. adscendens 133 stems per m2, and E. paniculatus 13 clumps per m2. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the HSSF-CW system on a pilot-scale planted with L. adscendens, E. paniculatus, or T. Angustifolia has proven to be able to eliminate the TC and TSS parameters of hospital wastewater to match their respective quality standards in hydraulic retention times <2 and 4 days. It can be concluded that T. Angustifolia, E. paniculatus, and L. adscendens positively boost the performance of HSSF-CW in the removal of TC and TSS. However, T. Angustifolia had a better effect than E. paniculatus and L. adscendens on the performance of the HSSF-CW system.
Keywords: Constructed wetland, E. paniculatus, Hospital wastewater, L. adscendens, T. angustifolia
Kinerja Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) beberapa rumah sakit dilaporkan rendah, dimana air buangannya seringkali tidak memenuhi baku mutu sehingga berpeluang mencemari lingkungan. Horizontal Sub-surface Flow Constructed Wetland (HSSF-CW) adalah teknologi hijau dan berkelanjutan, yang dapat digunakan sebagai teknologi alternatif untuk pengolahan air limbah rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja HSSF-CW skala percontohan dalam penghilangan total coliform (TC) dan total padatan tersuspensi (TSS), serta menilai pengaruh tumbuhan Ludwigia adscendens, Echinodorus paniculatus, dan Typha angustifolia terhadap kinerja HSSF-CW dengan metode eksperimental. Desain dan strategi operasional yang ditempuh adalah pengaturan kedalaman air pada 0,30 m, laju pemuatan hidrolik maksimal 3,375 m3/hari, resirkulasi air limbah secara kontinyu, pemakaian media pasir-kerikil sungai ukuran 5–8 mm, serta pengaturan jarak tanam yang rapat masing-masing untuk T. angustifolia adalah 53 rumpun per m2, L. adscendens 133 batang per m2, dan E. paniculatus 13 rumpun per m2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja sistem HSSF-CW skala percontohan yang ditanami L. adscendens, E. paniculatus, ataupun T. angustifolia terbukti mampu menyisihkan parameter TC dan TSS air limbah rumah sakit hingga sesuai baku mutu dalam waktu retensi hidrolik <2 dan 4 hari. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa T. angustifolia, E. paniculatus, dan L. adscendens secara positif mendorong kinerja HSSF-CW dalam penghilangan TC dan TSS. Namun, T. angustifolia memiliki pengaruh lebih baik dibandingkan E. paniculatus dan L. adscendens terhadap kinerja sistem HSSF-CW.
Kata kunci: Air limbah rumah sakit, E. paniculatus, Lahan basah buatan, L. adscendens, T. angustifolia
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