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M. Kadir, Andi, B2TKS-Deputi Bidang TIRBR-BPPT
Ma'ruf, Buana, PTRIM, Deputi Bidang TIRBR BPPT
Ma'ruf, Muhammad, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Maisaroh, Maisaroh, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi
Mantara, Gilang, Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
Mardiyanto, Mardiyanto
Marindaa, Mira
Marindaa, Mira, PTSPT BPPT
Maruf, Muhammad
Masfuri, Imron , Center of Technology for Energy Resources and Chemical Industry, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
Mashadi, Mashadi, Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Bahan Maju (PSTBM) - BATAN
Masudin, Ilyas, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Maswan, Achmad, Laboratory for Thermodynamics, Engines and Propulsion Technology, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
maulana, febryan, BPPT
Maulana, Febryan
Megawanto, Fadli C.
Megawanto, Fadli Cahya, BPPT
Megawanto, Fadli Cahya, Center of Technology for Defense and Security Industries, Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology
Melati, Dian Nuraini, Center for Disaster Risk Reduction Technology, Agency for the Asssessment and Application of Technology
Miharja, Kurnia, Center for Geological Survey - Indonesia
Mudjiono, Mudjiono, Center for Assessment of Nuclear Energy System
Muflihati, Iffah, University of PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
Muflikah, P.Purwanto,
Muhammad Zaki Latif , Abrori, Polytechnic of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Dumai, Indonesia
Muharto, Bambang, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)

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