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Rahmanullah, Andhika Abdan , Metallurgy Engineering, Faculty of Manufacture Engineering
Rahmawati, Nurdiah, Center of Technology for Energy Resources and Chemical Industry, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
Rahmawati, Nurdiah, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
Raja, Krisna Lumban, Pusat Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi (PATIR) – BATAN
Ramli, Kalamullah, Deputi Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa - BPPT
Rasyid, Yusuf
Rasyif, Teuku M., Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Infrastructure Planning, Pertamina University, Indonesia
Restuputri, Dian Palupi, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Riastuti, Rini, DTMM-FTUI
Riastuti, Rini, Balai Besar Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur, BPPT (Indonesia)
Ridlo, Rohmadi
rifai, akhmad, PTIPK BPPT
Rini, Tyas Puspita, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
Rivai, Abu Kahlid, BATAN
Riyadi, Muhammad, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Yildiz Teknik University, Besiktas/Istanbul
Riza, Hammam, Agency for the Asssessment and Application of Technology
Rizqi Ilmal, Yaqin, Polytechnic of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Dumai, Indonesia
Rochmanto, Budi
Rochmanto, Budi, BT2MP-BPPT
Rohmah, Amilatin, Pusat teknologi Material - BPPT
Rosjidi, Mochamad, BPPT
Rosyadi, Erlan
Rosyadi, Erlan, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) (Indonesia)
Rosyidi, M., Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation , Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
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