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S, Harkali, B2TKS-Deputi Bidang TIRBR-BPPT
S. Siradj, Eddy, B2TKS-Deputi Bidang TIRBR-BPPT
Salehah, Nur Azimah, Balai Besar Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi
Samodra, Bayu, B2TKE BPPT
Samudra, Helmi Bagas, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Jenderal Achmad Yani University
Samudro, Samudro, Pusat Teknologi Industri Hankam, BPPT
Samudro, Samudro
Santoso, Eko Widi , Center for Disaster Risk Reduction Technology, Agency for the Asssessment and Application of Technology
Saputra, Hens, BPPT
Saputra, Hens
Saputra, Hens, Pusat Teknologi Industri Proses - BPPT (Indonesia)
Saputra, Hens, Pusat Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Industri Proses - BPPT
Saputra, Muhyi Wahid, Department of Mechanical Engineering Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia
Saputro, Bayu Rahmat, University of Pancasila
Saputro, Frendy Rian, Center of Technology for Energy Resources and Chemical Industry, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
Sari, Laili Novita
Sari, Laili Novita, B2TKS-BPPT
Sari, Laili Novita, National Laboratory for Structural Strength Technology Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (Indonesia)
Sari Hasnah Dewi, Siti Wardiyati, Adel Fisli
Sartomo, Agus
Sasmito, Agus, B2TKS-BPPT
Sasongko, Triyono Widi, PTSPT-TIRBR-BPPT
Sembiring, Yohanes P , Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
Senda, Semuel Pati, PTSEIK BPPT
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