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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript to be submitted has not been published before nor is it in the process of being submitted in another journal.

  • The manuscript to be submitted must be follow "Manuscript Template" (See Author Guideline).

  • The manuscript to be submitted must be checked plagiarsm less then 20%. (See Plagiarsm Screening).

  • Author information (name, affiliation, no. telephone and e-mail) filled in correctly.

  • Manuscript file in format Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, atau WordPerfect.

  • The manuscript to be submitted must be Ensuring a Blind Review.

General instruction for manuscript in Wave: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Maritim (Journal of Maritime Technology):

  • Manuscript must be written in Indonesia or English.

  • Manuscript must be written on A4 (210 x 297 mm) paper.

  • Manuscript must be written with Times New Roman, font size 12 point, multiple line spacing at 1,25, with top and bottom margin 22 mm, left and right margin 17 mm.

  • Manuscript created using Ms. Word with number of pages from 6 until 12 (not included reference and appendix).

  • For all content, please follow the [Manuscript Template].

Writing instruction for manuscript in Wave: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Maritim (Journal of Maritime Technology):

  • Abstract: The abstract must contains the research background, the objectives & benefits of the research, methods, results, and discussion as well as the conclusions. The contents of the abstract are no more than 250 words.

  • Introduction: The introduction should discuss several things, namely: 1) Research Background. The importance of the research to be carried out must be stated. 2) Literature review. Explain the previous research related to the current research, then state the position and the difference of the current research with the previous research. 3) Objective and Benefits of research. There are no sub-chapters in the introduction.

  • Method: Methods must include several things, namely: 1) The object of research. Describe the object of research. Explain the acquisition of research data. 2) Treatment of research objects. Indicate variations were carried out in the study. 3) Methods of solving along with the procedures used to examine. Point out whether the method has been widely used or the latest method along with the advantages and disadvantages of the method. 4) Tools and materials used in research. Describe the main tools and materials used, but no need to explain in detail.

  • Results and Discussion: This chapter contains the results or findings of the research with the discussions. There is not allowed to only display the research data without the discussion. The contents of the discussion can also be compared with research data from other researchers. Describe the result of research in accordance with existing theories or with other similar research. The impact of changing variables that have been stated in the Methods Chapter must also be discussed with scientific reasons.

    1. Instructions for Using the Table: The table is not allowed as a picture. The table starts with "Table 1" and so on. It does not start with a chapter or sub-chapter. For example: “Table 1” and not “Table 3.1”. The title of the table is written with capital letters at the beginning of words. The position of the table along with the title are in the center and is above the table. The table is made with horizontal lines without vertical lines. Tables are made without color. Table labels use a bold font. If the table is wide enough, then the table can be made 1 column. The table must "in line with text", it can't be above the text. To referring the table, don't use the word "above", (e.g. "in the table above"), but it should be immediately mentioned to the table name, (e.g. "in Table 1"). Examples of tables can be seen in the template .

    2. Instructions for using images and graphics: Images and graphics must be displayed clearly and not blurry. The position must be in the "center" and "in line with text". Image numbering starts from "Figure 1" and so on. The image title is directly below the image. The name of the image title is written in capital letters at the beginning of the word. To referring a picture, do not use the word "above", (for example: "in the picture above"), but instead directly refer to the name of the image, (for example: "in Figure 1"). Examples of images can be seen in the template.

    3. Instructions for using math equations: Equations are written using the equation editor on Mic. Word. Mathematical equations are written in tables with 2 columns without borders. The first column for writing mathematical equations and its position is in the center of the column (center). The second column for writing the equation number. The equation number starts from 1 to the end without being associated with a chapter or sub-chapter, for example: (1) and is aligned to the right (Align Right). The explanation of the symbol of the equation explained in the paragraph, it is not allowed to explained vertically. Examples of writing mathematical equations along with an explanation of symbols can be seen in the template .

  • Conclusion: The conclusion must answer the research objectives. Avoid a numbering to describes the conclusion. If absolutely necessary, the numbering should be done horizontally as follows: 1) Fill in number one. 2) Fill in number two. 3) Fill in number three. There are no sub-chapters in the conclusion.

  • Acknowledgment: If needed, please say thank you to the person/institution who helped the research.

  • References: All references that referenced in the article must be listed in the references with a minimum number of references in each article 10 references. It must contain 80% of primary sources (scientific journals) published no later than ten years. Writing a reference system in the article text should use a reference management application program such as Mendeley, EndNote, and Zotero with the Elsevier - Harvard (with title) format. It is not recommended to write manually.

  • Download Manuscript Template in MS.Word (.doc): [Download Template]

  • Download Citation Style for Software Management Reference: [Download Citation Style]